Yayyy first part u/ I couldn't miss this oppournity to join. Ah the laziest shading ever ;v;
I tried to make AJ a hairstyle from this picture kilala97.deviantart.com/art/Mo but I'm not sure if it went out XD
I kinda concluded that Candy had got her wavy hair after her father, but the idea of them getting straight, like Pinkie's, when she's sad was too hard to resist :>
At first I want to apologize for all my mistakes, english isn't my first language ;v; I would give anything to know how to wirte with AJ's accent.
AJ: angrily folding shirts
CC: …Yes auntie~ Show that T-shirt who's in charge~ giggles when she had to catch the T-shirt that AppleJack trew
CC: Are you still mad?
AJ: Nope…yes. I don't know. It's just happend too fast…I know it's his dream, but moving to Canterlot? He's waaay to young for that…
CC: Didn't you move to Manehattan as a filly? continuing folding clothes
AJ:…Well yeaaah…But I came back after that. To home. How he will find himself it that big city? Does he have any friends there? What If he'll be completly alone? Where will he sleep? Eat? Live? It's more complicated than it looks like.
CC: Don't be silly auntie~ He has Claire and Prince Illusion. They wouldn't leave them alone with that. And I tought that he is always welcomed at Fancy Pants house…
AJ: …Oh and don't get me starting about this "supermodel daughter". Who is that mare? Why I have never met her? Is he embarrassed of us? Ok, maybe we are not royals, but it doesn't matter if we a familly, right? Why he want to leave us?
CC: Auntie, it completly doesn't sounds like our Del. You know that, he's your son. still folding clothes peacefully I'm, actually happy for him…I really am. He was dreaming about that for such a long time, and now he will be finally able to become a chef. In Canterlot!… Del is good, smart colt. He wouldn't do anything that could hurt you or anyone else, you know that too, right auntie? Why you are so upset?
AJ: stops for a moment and takes Del's scarf to fold it…A long time you say.
Eh…I want to be happy for him Sugar…I am. But I wish that he could be more honest with me sometimes.
He was always like that, from the very beginning. Do you know that he was training with Red June when he was a filly? He never told me that. He could get hurt so many times. If something bad would happend to him in Canterlot, he would never tell me that. He wouldn't say nothing that would make me worried.
CC: pauses folding clothes and stands up to gets closer to AppleJack Don't worry AppleJack, Del is much stronger that he was back then, he will be ok…besides. He will visit us for holiday right? It's not that much but it's something~
AJ: guided by instinct she turned around to look at Cotton Candy …Sugarcube, your hair…
CC: Huh, what's wrong with them?
AJ: sighs I see that you both need a good lesson of honesty.
Ah ;v; So that's all for the first part. I'm really sorry for all mistakes that I made, but as I said english grammar is still a mystery for me.
I read somewhere that GoldenDelicious and CottonCandy are types that would rather hide their worries, so I thought that this idea would be good. Also to be clear: I don't hate Crme XD I find her really amazing, and nice character, I just have to feel in the mood of AJ.
Cotton Candy belongs to :iconkilala97:
AppleJack belongs to Hasbro
I used one of the episodes as a background reference.
I tried to make AJ a hairstyle from this picture kilala97.deviantart.com/art/Mo but I'm not sure if it went out XD
I kinda concluded that Candy had got her wavy hair after her father, but the idea of them getting straight, like Pinkie's, when she's sad was too hard to resist :>
At first I want to apologize for all my mistakes, english isn't my first language ;v; I would give anything to know how to wirte with AJ's accent.
AJ: angrily folding shirts
CC: …Yes auntie~ Show that T-shirt who's in charge~ giggles when she had to catch the T-shirt that AppleJack trew
CC: Are you still mad?
AJ: Nope…yes. I don't know. It's just happend too fast…I know it's his dream, but moving to Canterlot? He's waaay to young for that…
CC: Didn't you move to Manehattan as a filly? continuing folding clothes
AJ:…Well yeaaah…But I came back after that. To home. How he will find himself it that big city? Does he have any friends there? What If he'll be completly alone? Where will he sleep? Eat? Live? It's more complicated than it looks like.
CC: Don't be silly auntie~ He has Claire and Prince Illusion. They wouldn't leave them alone with that. And I tought that he is always welcomed at Fancy Pants house…
AJ: …Oh and don't get me starting about this "supermodel daughter". Who is that mare? Why I have never met her? Is he embarrassed of us? Ok, maybe we are not royals, but it doesn't matter if we a familly, right? Why he want to leave us?
CC: Auntie, it completly doesn't sounds like our Del. You know that, he's your son. still folding clothes peacefully I'm, actually happy for him…I really am. He was dreaming about that for such a long time, and now he will be finally able to become a chef. In Canterlot!… Del is good, smart colt. He wouldn't do anything that could hurt you or anyone else, you know that too, right auntie? Why you are so upset?
AJ: stops for a moment and takes Del's scarf to fold it…A long time you say.
Eh…I want to be happy for him Sugar…I am. But I wish that he could be more honest with me sometimes.
He was always like that, from the very beginning. Do you know that he was training with Red June when he was a filly? He never told me that. He could get hurt so many times. If something bad would happend to him in Canterlot, he would never tell me that. He wouldn't say nothing that would make me worried.
CC: pauses folding clothes and stands up to gets closer to AppleJack Don't worry AppleJack, Del is much stronger that he was back then, he will be ok…besides. He will visit us for holiday right? It's not that much but it's something~
AJ: guided by instinct she turned around to look at Cotton Candy …Sugarcube, your hair…
CC: Huh, what's wrong with them?
AJ: sighs I see that you both need a good lesson of honesty.
Ah ;v; So that's all for the first part. I'm really sorry for all mistakes that I made, but as I said english grammar is still a mystery for me.
I read somewhere that GoldenDelicious and CottonCandy are types that would rather hide their worries, so I thought that this idea would be good. Also to be clear: I don't hate Crme XD I find her really amazing, and nice character, I just have to feel in the mood of AJ.
Cotton Candy belongs to :iconkilala97:
AppleJack belongs to Hasbro
I used one of the episodes as a background reference.
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