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Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -

>All sites staff are friends and run all cons and art boards and if you go to the cons you'd literally see the group of them all at once. Like it was pretty obvious the staff arnt bronies and lotus and megalith were there and arnt bronies and are fur fags. Everyone in any seat of power sucks purps dick and tbh if you don't see that or get that your fucking retarded and stupid
"OY VEY! stop noticing!!!"
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
I love mares more than anything, I just wish I could have mares and not this other shit surrounding it or the normies saying I'm sick for what brings me some of the only joy I can feel anymore
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
Ok the art here is actually cute, and tbh the oc mares for all these events are super low effort made and just look like other characters in a suoer lazy way. Thought eels has nothing to do with that
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
Watch me do it again as I break another comment record. I want to thank my sponsors lotus and megalith. They really gave me the freedom to post all I wanted.

When I told them both to eat shit I was so happy they just stepped away. They truly are my inspiration for breaking this record and God, and lotus willing I'll be breaking more records like this one again
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
Everyone reading this megalith and lotus instead of solving this problem allowed it to spiral out of control, they are not for servicing and maintenance of the board they only care that being site admits and mods gives them the little status they need to kiss assholes in th3 fanbase. They literally watched this start and did nothing.

Say what you want to say that's fucking outright terrible moderation of the site.

Go on an tell me how this isn't something they saw happening and could've stopped. They just let me do all this
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
It has to do with it cause I fucking say it does.
All sites staff are friends and run all cons and art boards and if you go to the cons you'd literally see the group of them all at once. Like it was pretty obvious the staff arnt bronies and lotus and megalith were there and arnt bronies and are fur fags. Everyone in any seat of power sucks purps dick and tbh if you don't see that or get that your fucking retarded and stupid
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
I love that megalith and lotus interacted with me, and didn't take me down. Like they literally either don't know how too at times, or they are stupid and didn't when I was clearly doing shit I shouldn't. Why are you guys this incompetent at your one job in the fandom.
Like you guys called me crazy but literally you left me unchecked like retards
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
Staff how do you respond to me openly saying i was approved for image remove when you didn't remove the image I do have final say in that and you guys broke a major rule not doing so especially with how you guys feel about me
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
Like for example of in the past I request my art removed legally they must but they didn't so I could arbitrary just say they kinda have broken the law. And rules about how I have the final say if my arts on here or not. They broke site rules in not allowing me control of my artwork. In a way I could right now call th3 staff out to expunged the anon that clos3d my request without removing my art. Again that alone is s3lf terminating rules on this fucking site
Size: 2520x1989 | Tagged: safe, artist:eels, oc, oc only, oc:fair flyer, oc:matinee, oc:morning mimosa, oc:soiree, earth pony, pegasus, pony, braces, con mascot, featured image, female, group hug, hat, hug, mare, mare fair, one eye closed, open smile, partially open wings, raised hoof, simple background, smiling, sun hat, white background, wings
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
They literally can't bring themselves to learn how to use the fucking simple site ui, or learn rules, as if they break a staff rule they'd have to step down r3gardless of why it's in th3 rules of the site that site staff breaking rules of their choice forces self termination of position. And if they don't their a fucking cult hive mind that allows rule break8ng if it favors them. And they probably do cause th3y ar3 fucking dumb pussy cents arnt you poner pics staff
Showing results 101 - 125 of 182 total

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