Viewing last 25 versions of post by Punished McGee in topic Ponerpics community collaboration event

Punished McGee

A fallen legend
See, I specify in trainwrecks. So I foresee one long before it happens. We all like to play and pretend this place is derpi 2.0 but in reality it's just a bunker for autists. And unlike you all, I treat this place with respect it deserves.

As I've expected, y'all have proven to be UNWORTHY to participate. Like hell would I ever entertain the idea, let alone _assist_ with it. You just took the bait for my purest shits and giggles, much to my autistic delight. It was a legit fun to sockpuppet a dozen of accounts simply because it would not slide on any other platform. But with this faint amount of user activity barely surpassing that of's, anything goes.

Fuck, I'd do this again if not for uni stuff atm. Don't you see the land of opportunities right before you? I see a land where anything goes. An open canvas for landscapes of cringe.y You see a plain collab.

No reason given
Edited by Punished McGee