Viewing last 25 versions of post by Hollowfox the Worst in topic Vent thread

Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
"@Background Pony #C6E3":/forums/dis/topics/vent-thread?post_id=1780#post_1780
Fuck you to the Infinity you mean piece of shit!!! Let me vent in FUCKING PEACE!!!
No reason given
Edited by Hollowfox the Worst
Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
"@Background Pony #C6E3":/forums/dis/topics/vent-thread?post_id=1780#post_1780
Fuck you to the Infinity you mean piece of shit!!!
No reason given
Edited by Hollowfox the Worst