Viewing last 25 versions of post by Hollowfox the Worst in topic Vent thread

Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
Because he thinks me wanting people to understand is equals to making drama.

Especially when one of my favorite people get cancelled, be scared of World War III, insulting people who throw insults at me and give me death threats or "professional help" threats and being rude to me. And yes, even thinking about the gender wars being between the MeToo movement vs. The get woke go broke crowd that hates woke content like She-Hulk, Captain Marvel and Ghostbusters 2016.

Heck, he threatened me to "seek professional help" because he's acting like everytime I say something, even mentioning usernames is apparently being unhealthy or creating drama.

Even if he says something hypocritical like "I don't hate you" even if they act like they do whenever they force me to stop doing whatever I want and instead change my opinions and behavior.

I hate being hated by everyone. And it makes me suffer.
No reason given
Edited by Hollowfox the Worst