Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #C6E3 in topic Vent thread

Background Pony #C6E3
"@Hollowfox the Worst":/forums/dis/topics/vent-thread?post_id=1787#post_1787
Boo-fucking-hoo, bitch. You want a venting thread so here's me venting about your ass. All people have problems. You've got none, capiche? I have to work daily on a job I HATE. I am payed a bare minimum for doing slave work: working with hands instead of working with mind like other richer and more fortunate people do. I know english and have AI knowledge and yet I'm stuck as a rail track technician, who has a risk of his limbs getting cut off by an accident. My brother in law died in a war, had his skull turned to mush. To add salt to my mental injuriy, I was told that a friend of mine recently has commited suicide. I saw his grave and felt NOTHING. And you expect me to listen to your bullshit on a site about FUCKING PONIES that I visit TO JERK OFF? Are you THAT fucking dense or it's more of a genetic problem with you? Have you yet finished kindergarten? Because your problems are that of a kindergartner who's finished potty training and has no grasp of the real world problems. Either grow up or stfu you annoying piece of human shit.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C6E3