Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #3744 in topic What's the difference between Ponerpics and Derpi, Twibooru, and Ponybooru?

Background Pony #3744
Your line of thinking is way off in fantasy land, there's no reality. I've taken pictures in school for a photography class and it's worlds apart from taking random photos with a phone or snapping throwaway shots with a camera. At the same time I don't consider myself a photographer when I took a pic of my plant the other day to show it to someone else, because all I did was capture the subject,. with nNo further artistic intent or technique behind it.

Absolutely nobody artistic agrees with you, in any field, no matter how much you type out walls of text. You don't see every single randos shooting photos on instagram calling themselves photographers in the same vein as a real photographer because the world knows the difference. You're honestly completely clueless on what's art since you're just repeatedly talking from a semantic meaningless stance and lack all experience in the subject.

The fact you think the prompter knows anything like artistic concepts such as color theory when the machine does all the work says a lot. You don't even know how these things work, you're just soyfaced over a prettyish looking picture and making yourself look like a clown in the process.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3744
Background Pony #3744
Your line of thinking is way off in fantasy land, there's no reality. I've taken pictures in school for a photography class and it's worlds apart from taking random photos with a phone or snapping throwaway shots with a camera. At the same time I don't consider myself a photographer when I took a pic of my plant because all I did was capture the subject, with no further artistic intent behind it.

Absolutely nobody artistic agrees with you, in any field, no matter how much you type out walls of text. You don't see every single randos shooting photos on instagram calling themselves photographers in the same vein as a real photographer because the world knows the difference. You're honestly completely clueless on what's art since you're just repeatedly talking from a semantic meaningless stance and lack all experience in the subject.

The fact you think the genepratompter knows anything like artistic concepts such as color theory when the machine does all the work says a lot. You don't even know how these things work, you're just soyfaced over a prettyish looking picture and making yourself look like a clown in the process.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3744
Background Pony #3744
Your line of thinking is way off in fantasy land, there's no reality. I've taken pictures in school for a photography class and it's worlds apart from taking random photos with a phone or snapping throwaway shots with a camera. At the same time I don't consider myself a photographer when I took a pic of my plant because all I did was capture the subject, with no further artistic intent behind it.

Absolutely nobody artistic agrees with you, in any field, no matter how much you type out walls of text. You don't see every single randos shooting photos on instagram calling themselves photographers in the same vein as a real photographer because the world knows the difference. You're honestly completely clueless on what's art since you're just repeatedly talking from a semantic meaningless stance and lack all experience in the subject.

The fact you think the generator knows anything like color theory when the machine does all the work says a lot. You don't even know how these things work, you're just soyfaced over a prettyish looking picture.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #3744