Viewing last 25 versions of post by Hollowfox the Worst in topic What's your view of the different Booru sites?

Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
"@Background Pony #2093":/forums/dis/topics/what-s-your-view-of-the-different-booru-sites?post_id=1553#post_1553
Is it because of TwiPonybooru having Rule 9? Or is it something else?
No reason given
Edited by Hollowfox the Worst
Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
"@Background Pony #2093":/forums/dis/topics/what-s-your-view-of-the-different-booru-sites?post_id=1553#post_1553
Is it because of PonyTwibooru having Rule 9? Or is it something else?
No reason given
Edited by Hollowfox the Worst