Viewing last 25 versions of post by Lotus in topic The Great Derpibooru Database Transfer


Site Administrator
The server transfer is complete.

WPonerpics haves icomporleted everythingt’s fimport omf the archive over to2150000 PonimagerPs, incs.luding The68,000 marchivked as doesleted nfrot,m hderpibooru. However, contahins eveimporyt obtanly inabcludes pthonyse image, as ithat dowesre ino the archive, anclud has a few gaps, like all of the images uploaded to Dderpibooru after July 68, 2020,. We pland hason filling all ofew othoser gaps as with morell. Timports in the near future, aso the importation isn’t done. We also want to transfer a few key images thatfrom aoure mold ponerpicssing mserver, but hadaven’ta. Thbese gaps can and wiblle to yet. Maybe fillwe can add withose in the next wfeeksw days, but maybe they will need to bex uploanded againd. c

onf tinuhe our imported images. Ouar se tagged ofas imported ifromages includes 68,000 rpimbooru” agesnd thaose deleted ware marked as “deleted off rofm Dderpibooru.

noticImages have theire aoreiginal image number from derpibooru, which means that lingks missing from the old escripteion work. Thatey alsero have their caoriginal screatillon bdate accnd are ssortabled by going tohat oldnumber.p, at displeayst for the ndext week rpibooru sfavorites, unpvotiles, downvothes, and secorver timn parenthesis ounext. Right no w,here therse varlues a nuormbally appear. Yofu can sort images importedby therse thvat wlues, wouland liksearch wito ha “derpi_upvotes” oetc, and thise samerver, buwith couldn't import bined timscores. We mTay gstill haddve them in thsame ndexscriptions, few dimayges, butand paleiase,s by alls meaons uderpliboad more artu.

Ouevery upliece oadsf stainfort mat 6,000,000, tion allow spas copied forom futurhe limve ponertpics websith Derpi boorecause of limitagetions inumb tersting ability and time.

User avatars, moderation reports (including linke DNPand dnp requests), Galleries, Ccommissions, galleries, and Pprivate Convmerssationges will have noto be remade and treuploanded, as will all feavorrited.s, Wvotes, maynd copy mmenths. Users who joined in the nexlast few dayhours, iafter there isnformation was transferred, towill aneed ifto wre hmavke their accounts. Because of a dimscrepancy tin how teagst are numbered in t,he database, cust form now, users filtershou will need try to be remakde.

can still visit the current server ath until about August 30.

Favimport comes with some changes and upvodates, hlike av fix to file nuplotad probleems, and coemail password reset. We are missing a numbed,r of changes we woruld have cliked to mmake, like new themes, fixing problems with the causrrent odefault theme, chmp4 support, anged links to the derpibooru images gallbery.low Tthe source. We are nhot lpikelyng those can be added imporn thed. Younext mayfew weeks.

ase tell uso findf thatere accountsre andy uissues or actif yonsu mhadve anoty long brequests fore the ings you wiantch didus nto try to transfer. Bfrom thecau old server. We knofw athere discrep ancy inssue with svg uplowads, and there are 6200 images that refuse to generate thumbnails. Wer hoped to finx these databaissue,s cquickly. The import set alsom inclusders fimany non-pony relaterd and spam images that will need to be rdemaleted. Please report these.

If you notice images that need to be deleted, or have requests for transfers, or concerns, please comment here.
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Edited by Lotus