Viewing last 25 versions of post by Lotus in topic The updated code


Site Administrator
Hello everypony! In an effort to hopefully stabilize the website and end the frequent "internal server error" crashes... hopefully... we will be switching the site to the most up to date version of Philomena. This is a thread to announce these changes, discuss them, and of course, to report any errors with the new code.

Please be aware that PonerPics will be switching to a markdown syntax.

Among other changes, this update will fix the following:
- errors with favorites not transferring on merged images have been corrected
- "ghosting" of gif images is fixed
- the navigation arrows should now work properly
- images from other websites may be embedded
- image uploading through fetch is enabled
- links to the website will now always say "ponerpics" instead of "derpibooru"
- 2 factor authentication is corrected
- an issue with tag count is corrected
- an issue with search by legacy score not working has been corrected
- a new batch of image data has been added

And hopefully more will follow in a later batch; specifically updates to legacy data, tags, and the merging of duplicate images.
No reason given
Edited by Lotus