
Artist's Note:
Now that was a curveball Hasbro threw at us! Who knew they wouldn't get cutiemarks in what they were foreshadowed to be good at? In a way it makes sense. I bet the reason they started crusading was because they had already tried to get their marks in singing, farmwork and scooting. Their story is similar to the mane 6 — their destiny was to become a group and help ponies together. I guess the CMC weren't too far off to search for their cutie marks doing random stuff. Wouldn't be farfetched either: look at Fluttershy. She literally found her talent by falling off a cloud.

I wonder if it's any influence that these fillies live in the Friendship Kingdom of Ponyville? Like the Crystal Empire that has love as its main defence and a huge factor in the ponies' everyday lives, I can see Ponyville being influenced by friendship magic in the same manner. Ponyville might grow to become the Equestria's center for diplomatics and friendship between everypony and everyone. We did get the Yaks, after all. Perhaps something like that? The ponies that grow up there, like the CMC, would have special talents reflecting that.

In conclusion, I'd just like to say that It was another musical. Do you know what that means? Next time an episode has over three songs, expect something major. Like seriously.


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