
(I hope the owner of the OC doesn't mind me sharing it here :) — Vree)

Nickel Vision

Oh my gosh, isn't she the cutest thing ever? Yes, I am a brony. I LOVE this show. I find it clever, well written, hilarious and the best thing to hit the telly since Phineas and Ferb. Sadly, both are still flash cartoons (I will always prefer traditional animation), but I'll take that if the shows are this good. Anyway, the MLP name generator ( translated my actual name into Nickel Vision. I wasn't sure what to make of it, imagining a pony who saw everything as if it was made from nickel. Then someone suggested instead she could see coins under couch cushions and refrigerators. Heck yeah! She is a pegasus pony obviously, her beauty mark a magnifying glass over three coins (I suppose the coins in Equestria are gold, but whatever), and her power is not magic (which should be obvious since she isn't a unicorn) but more like the stare power Fluttershy has. Drawn by sip on furaffinity, who also came up with the hairpin. A lovely addition I think. I haven't given much thought to her personality yet, but she is very carefree, easy going and optimistic. My first ever fan-character, and I couldn't be happier with her


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