Updated my boyfriend's ponysona!
Name: Sweater Weather
Gender: Male [Transgender, Post-OP]
Birthday: August 28th
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: A blue flame with a black and white spear behind it
Talent: Costume design
Occupation: Costume designer
Hometown: Ponyville
Bio: Sweater Weather grew up as Cloudy Daze, a pegasus raised in Ponyville with his younger brother Lens Flare and his parents. His parents were happy their oldest was a filly, and happily enrolled their child into things such as beauty pageants and other very filly-focused things. At first, Sweater Weather dealt with it, figuring maybe he'd get used to it, but he started to wonder if there was another reason he flinched to be called a girl, another reason putting on a dress sounded so outlandish to him. One day, he told his parents he didn't want to be a filly anymore. Though his mother seemed to understand, his father's reaction was enough to silence not only her, but Sweater as well.
Time passed, and eventually Sweater Weather decided he didn't want to put up with it anymore. He began to stand up for himself, especially against his father, and gave him an ultimatum: if he didn't want to accept Sweater for who he is, he didn't need to accept him at all. Of course, his father had none of that. Sweater was kicked out onto the street, and after weeks of scrounging for food and shelter, his mother came to him and asked him to come home. He refused to go anywhere near his father again. She then explained that she'd finally stood up for herself and taken her and Sweater's brother to a new home, shoddy as it was. With relief flushing his cheeks, he went home with her and began to present as who he really felt he was with his mother backing him all the same. He got his name changed officially and began taking hormones, signing up for surgery as soon as he could.
While he was doing all of that, Sweater found himself participating in theatre eventually, finding he was amazing at putting together costumes for the actors, though of course he wasn't "amazing" at first. However, he worked hard, and upon seeing his first fully-made costume grace the stage, his cutie mark appeared on his flank. Ever since then, he's been a costume designer, heading the entire design team behind the set of the theatre he got his cutie mark in.
It was through that theatre he met his significant other, Frozen Soul, who had wandered in off the streets for a showing of the musical Rent. He was so enamoured by the stallion, he found himself seeking him out afterwards, though shy, even going so far as to buy tickets to upcoming shows and slipping them under Frozen's door just so he would come back into the theatre. Eventually, the two actually got to talking, and even further on, dating. Frozen helped Sweater Weather attain the surgery he dreamed of after a few months, and they've been together ever since, though they consider that fateful musical night to be the day they were meant to be together.
Name: Sweater Weather
Gender: Male [Transgender, Post-OP]
Birthday: August 28th
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: A blue flame with a black and white spear behind it
Talent: Costume design
Occupation: Costume designer
Hometown: Ponyville
Bio: Sweater Weather grew up as Cloudy Daze, a pegasus raised in Ponyville with his younger brother Lens Flare and his parents. His parents were happy their oldest was a filly, and happily enrolled their child into things such as beauty pageants and other very filly-focused things. At first, Sweater Weather dealt with it, figuring maybe he'd get used to it, but he started to wonder if there was another reason he flinched to be called a girl, another reason putting on a dress sounded so outlandish to him. One day, he told his parents he didn't want to be a filly anymore. Though his mother seemed to understand, his father's reaction was enough to silence not only her, but Sweater as well.
Time passed, and eventually Sweater Weather decided he didn't want to put up with it anymore. He began to stand up for himself, especially against his father, and gave him an ultimatum: if he didn't want to accept Sweater for who he is, he didn't need to accept him at all. Of course, his father had none of that. Sweater was kicked out onto the street, and after weeks of scrounging for food and shelter, his mother came to him and asked him to come home. He refused to go anywhere near his father again. She then explained that she'd finally stood up for herself and taken her and Sweater's brother to a new home, shoddy as it was. With relief flushing his cheeks, he went home with her and began to present as who he really felt he was with his mother backing him all the same. He got his name changed officially and began taking hormones, signing up for surgery as soon as he could.
While he was doing all of that, Sweater found himself participating in theatre eventually, finding he was amazing at putting together costumes for the actors, though of course he wasn't "amazing" at first. However, he worked hard, and upon seeing his first fully-made costume grace the stage, his cutie mark appeared on his flank. Ever since then, he's been a costume designer, heading the entire design team behind the set of the theatre he got his cutie mark in.
It was through that theatre he met his significant other, Frozen Soul, who had wandered in off the streets for a showing of the musical Rent. He was so enamoured by the stallion, he found himself seeking him out afterwards, though shy, even going so far as to buy tickets to upcoming shows and slipping them under Frozen's door just so he would come back into the theatre. Eventually, the two actually got to talking, and even further on, dating. Frozen helped Sweater Weather attain the surgery he dreamed of after a few months, and they've been together ever since, though they consider that fateful musical night to be the day they were meant to be together.
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