The original idea for this one had only one pony playing Mr. Freeze, and Movie Slate regretting ever letting anyone else into her projection booth, but I had a hard time choosing between Pirate Dash and Pun Pony. I like both characters, and I wanted to put them both in Mr. Freeze's suit. So I came up with the next best thing. Since Mr. Freeze has had as many incarnations as Batman has, I decided to put Pirate Dash in the Batman: Arkham City suit, and Pun Pony in the Batman: The Animated Series suit. I never realized how much I liked this villain until I found myself adding detail to his suit. I think I haven't appreciated Mr. Freeze as much as I do now, mainly in part because of how this movie portrays him. And speaking of which…
""Batman and Robin has been regarded by pretty much the whole wide world as the absolute worst Batman movie ever made, and one of the worst movies of all time. Joel Schumacher even goes the extra mile and spends the whole DVD audio commentary apologizing for even making it. It's really nothing new to say how bad the movie is. Well, I ain't going to defend a piece of shit for being a piece of shit, but I don't think I hate this movie as much as everyone else does. It can't be ranked in a positive scale, but at least it knows what it is. It's not a mixed bag like Batman Forever was, trying to go either totally campy or totally dark. This movie goes campy the whole way, and then it goes even further. The bat-nipples, the bat-credit card, the ice puns, the silly choreography, Uma Thurman, and so on, make this one silly, outrageous, and tragically memorable experience. And I can't say I totally enjoy it, but I have a strong tolerance for bad movies, and this movie is one of the best worst movies I've ever seen. Hell, I remember watching this in the theater when it first came out! It's a piece of shit alright, but it's a piece of shit I might have some affection for. Call it guilty pleasure.
I had the help of the wonderful Robert Patrician when coming up with the idea of animating the text. Originally the update was static with the text on the sides, but making the text swap back and forth made the illusion of them arguing even better. The downside is that the animated format made the picture quality decrease some, so for those of you who want to see the picture without the grainy texture of the .gif format, here's the picture at full size without animation.