Lately, Cadence had been spending a LOT of time traveling to and fro to various meetings and happenings across Equestria, and she was tiring of using trains, carriages and her own wings to get the job done. She wanted something exciting, something new, something….exotic to spice the journey there up in a way that she'd especially love. Turns out she decided the best way to spice things up would be to transform her own husband into a fitting "steed" fitting of a Princess of Love. Poor Shining is quite the sight to behold now-a-days after being changed and grown into such a huge towering massively stacked chocobo taur that was nearly triple their wife's height, and still to this day wonders why Cadence decided this just HAD to be the form to make him. But at the least on the positive side, Shiny can now run VERY fast even with her on her back and also with such a massive weight up front, and they've become quite the sight to behold before everyone as they now get used to basically being a massive lewd bird taur before their own subjects and peers, and even sister who's just loving watching their brother be like this now.
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