One of our most Outlandish Cases was the Case Of Stranraer, He was a Normal fluffy stallion who unfortunately had a extreme case of experimentation placed upon him from an unknown source.
When an employee discovered the stallion on a lunch break he was malnourished and had various infections where the upgrade had been placed. after many operations and rigorous assistance from employees, he was finally back in a healthy condition.
However ultimately the various things that had happened to him has Mentally scarred him,sometimes causing to go into an outbursts of crying,smashing his hoof into walls trying to get rid of it and more, In other cases it has been seen that other fluffies are scared by the metallic clang it makes when he trots around and has even prevented him from playing with other fluffies in the fear that he may break their frail bones with it.
For Coalheart and his heart-wrenching series. If you haven't seen him yet,go for it.