You turn back to the Filly you violated and begin to try making amends by extending you hoof in friendship, after-all you did get your cutie-mark trying to make ponies days happier. "Well, this might be an awkward time for introductions I mean, after what happened. but my name is Sunny day…"
The little pegasus looks up at you with a little pain still on her face. "My name… My name … was Misty Horizons"
"How long have you been fighting?"
"I'm not really sure… I think I've seen two or three winters since I first started… I don't think about it."
"How are your wings? You landed pretty hard out there.
"They… Hurt. a lot… I don't think I'm going to be able to fly again… at least for a while." Her eyes look back at her wings and the expression on her face tightens as she shivers a bit and inhales.Her eyes return to you and she asks. "I have a question, Sunny?"
You say, "Sure, ask me anything."
"Why did you let me live? What made you think I was worth saving?"