Max leaves for a bit. In the meantime you raise your rump to the air and point it to the door, anticipating Maximilian's return. When he returns you raise your tail in a seductive manner. "Max, could you help me, I'm not sure if I can quite reach this spot."
Maximilian grits his teeth and averts his gaze, "I have other duties and I believe you need your privacy." Max leave you a bucket of water and a rag.
You begin to clean yourself off while you begin to feel hurt by max refusing your offer. You were only trying to have a little more fun with him, why did he turn you down this time. For that matter, why do you feel bad about this. you honestly barely know Max. While you clean your crotch you find quite a bit more blood than you remember. It gives you a strange feeling as you clean yourself up. As you finish up you toss the rag in the bucket and watch it sink to the bottom.