
The above is a preview image for my upcoming round-robin story, Apart from the Herd, courtesy of Mister Mech, whose talent I implore you all to check out. I’ve written out the concept of this story, and have tried to break it down as simply as I can:

Following the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, Equestria decides on the need for a permanent, ironhoofed solution to the ongoing changeling threat. They set their eyes on the ‘Badlands’.

The Badlands is a vast land of scorching desert and ferocious jungles to the south of mainland Equestria, historically considered Equestrian soil but never formally recognized as such. It is home to the world’s largest changeling population, followed by the ‘Badlanders’, descendants of pony settlers who arrived in the lands centuries ago.

By a unanimous vote in parliament, the Badlands is officially recognized as an Equestrian Territory (and completely throwing any legitimacy Chrysalis had as the self-proclaimed 'Changeling Queen' out the window). As a result, the millions of changelings and Badlanders living there are now subjected to Equestrian rule and their societies will be forever changed, for better or worse.

The Badlands has since quickly become a prosperous new province, this land of danger, riches and adventure giving birth to many colourful characters, pony and changeling alike, and attracting thousands more from beyond its borders, each with their own story to tell.


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