
CLOSED: Skel Pony
by ponywise

Hey hey! I haven't done one of these in a long long while. This will be an auction for the use and ownership of the above character design (which has been fully hand-drawn by me without the use of tracing/bases).

I call it Forest Floor but you can change the name. :P

Starting bid is $15 or 1500 points.*
Minimum increment is $1 or 1000 points.
Auction ends at 11:59pm PST on Sunday, March 29.
There will be a one hour snipe guard after the last bid if needed.
Bid on the SB comment chain: HERE!…

*Starting bid is high because this took much more effort (and anatomy knowledge…) than my past character designs.

-You get full ownership of the character upon adoption, as well as a high-res image file with no watermark.
-Feel free to change the name, hairstyle.. personality… gender?? It's your character once you pay!
-Feel free to use the design in any non-commercial way you like and to post the image of the character anywhere. Please credit me when using the image I made and please don't claim it as your own work.
-Please do not resell for more than you bought it for.
-I may reserve the right to create prints/stickers of this design if I wish in the future…

I think that's everything. Let me know if you have any questions!


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