1.) Good morning, Artemis. As heir to the night, Arte really isn't a morning person and they hate being awake after the sun has risen. Lookit that cosmic bedhead and smudgy make-up. Jeez, get it together Arte
Arte needs about a gallon of coffee to function in the morning and usually drinks it scalding hot out of the pot Celestia and Iridescence comparatively are quite perky and sing-songy in the morning and make Artemis want to throw themselves off a cliff Eerie in particular is fond of engaging the castle ponies in sweeping, sugary princess-y musical numbers just to annoy Arte, poor bird person
do you like their coffee mug it was hand painted special by jamboree sandwich
2.) Testing a design for human Pinkie Pie. I thought her Equestria Girls design was pretty cute, and her mane design and color palette translated well onto a human model. But I'm really not a fan of EQG's ultra homogeneous body types/heights/clothing (seriously why does every girl wear a skirt and clunky knee-high boots??). I feel like Pinkie would be quite petite, the shortest in the Mane Six, and quite a chubster. She was chubby back in her adventurin' days, and got even rounder after having her kids. She's in full Mom! design here, complete with snazzy up-do and mom jeans
I meant for her to just be saying "eyyy" in general but it looks like she's breaking the forth wall and gesturing to that other drawing
3.) Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie height comparison. Pinkie is wee, while Cheese is a goddamn redwood tree, all tall and lanky. He loves his beautiful smol chubby wife even though he's gotta practically stoop down to kiss her
4.) Cheese Sandwich has been the easiest humanization thus far. Just kinda channeled Weird Al Yankovic, with curly Einstein hair stfu cheese nobody wants to hear your corny ass dad jokes except cupcake but that's only because she loves you or something
Pinkie and Cheese have three kids, and the twins PB and J Sandwich take after daddy Cheese in height and build. Cupcake is built more like Pinkie, quite short and curvy, but much more muscular. Jam is totally jealous she didn't get curves like her mom and Cuppy but they assure here that she's beautiful the way she is (Artemis also assures her of this…eventually)