So, "Hammerhead This one caught me off guard, because it's a hotchpotch of many other movies, so therefore it has no identity of its own. At times it channels Texas Chainsaw Massacre, other times it's Jaws, and most of the time it turns into the failed adaptation of Island of Dr. Moreau directed by Richard Stanley. And that's the reason why this movie caught me off guard. It feels like a very crappy version of a Richard Stanley movie, which is the last thing I was expecting to find within a shitty Shark movie. It has the first person camera angles, the unconventional use of color, the bizarre obsession with sex, and the ultra violence. There's also a bit of Re-Animator in there as well, but that's because Jeffrey Combs has been playing Dr. Herbert West since the start of his career. This isn't a criticism, really. He looks like he's having a lot of fun. So basically, this movie is like watching a bunch of other movies at the same time. Some of the parts it rips off are really good, while others are just absolute rubbish.
If you are the type of viewer who can excuse the bad parts of a movie for its good parts, give this one a go. Consider it the unofficial spin off of "_Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau. I rate it: