1. Fluttershy speaks at least two lines of dialogue
2. More BS Time-Travel
3. Spike pushed to the sideline
4. Flurry Heart diaper joke
5. Shining Armour and Cadence announce another baby
6. CMC interact with Starlight
7. They go back in time to the first episode of the show
8. Song is a Big-Lipped Alligator/Disney Acid Sequence
9. Duet sung by Derpy and a pair of car keys
10. Rainbow Dash and CDD announce they're having a baby
11. Queen Chrysalis starts lifting weights
12. Someone references "Zoo-Wee Mama!"
13. Pinkie Pie ascends to a higher plane of existence (See? I told you it meant something!)
14. Luna being a gamer becomes canon
15. Madame le Flour joins the First Order
16. Crossover with Fanboy and Chum Chum
17. Donald Trump background pony
18. Rarity fights Master Hand (and is somehow bigger than Giga Bowser)
19. Applejack develops an obsession with octagons
20. Twilight gets addicted to crack and has to sit the whole thing out
21. George Harrison gets the Cutie Pox
22. Psy replaces Applejack for the rest of the series
23. Drake uses Christmas lights to destroy the Castle of Friendship
24. It's just 44 minutes of Jesus, Hitler and John Cena doing caramelldansen
25. Starlight becomes an alicorn
not provided yet