
||Name||Prince Noble Spark||Nickname||Noble||Age ||26 years old||Gender||Male ||Family ||Princess Twilight Sparkle (mother), Prince Blueblood (father), Prince Regal Nightfall (younger brother), Princess Star Shower (younger sister)||Colors||White body, Lavender eyes, Lemon Curry fading into Lavender Mist hair, Maya Blue hooves||Cutie Mark||An Amaranth Pink eight-pointed star with gold swirls overlaying it||Cutie Mark History|| As like his mother, his talent lies in magic. He is able to create, maintain, and strengthen not just his magic but others as well, including the Pegasi and Earth ponies. He's like a magical outlet, plug him in and he charges you up. As he was growing up, he had seen his mother help others many, many times. This taught Noble to help others. Well, one day, he was tutoring another unicorn in how to use magic to levitate. He managed to make an impasse and a connection with the other filly and in bolstering the other's powers so that they could fully grasp it, he found within himself that spark (pun intended) to strengthen them not just with by magic but by words and actions. In doing so, he gained his cutie mark. He realized he could help many more now and that is his goal today.||Likes/Dislikes ||Reading, watching parades/being the center of attention, arrogance||Personality|| While he took after his father in looks, he was not the least like his father in his younger years nor was he quite like his mother. He's very soft-spoken, gentle, patient, and very friendly. He's an open book and his feelings are often easy to figure out. Sometimes he can be viewed as fragile due to his temperament but underneath that patient stallion can be an aggressive, magical being who protects those who are weaker or need a helping hand.||Represent of Element|| Noble Spark represents Laughter. Despite his need to help, he was often a very serious stallion who didn't quite master the ability of laughter. He didn't get jokes, he couldn't understand sarcasm, and he would get angry anytime he thought he was being picked on. However, once he learned to laugh at himself, he realized he represented the element laughter.||Fun Facts|| When he uses magic at a certain level, the tips of his hair glitters with power.


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