
Emerald, shocked at Joyride calling him by his name, asks where the real Joyride is.

"What, prefer the name lil' perv do we? Well, I guess that just proves what a deviant you are doesn't it." Joyride says, finishing up tossing dishes into the sink, which begin to clean themselves.

Emerald asks if there is anything they need to do before setting out for the wasps nest.

"Yeah, get out of the house so I can pack it up." Joyride replies.

Emerald and Ruby leave the house and Joyride packs it up. They then start to get on their way. About an hour or two on their walk they come across a deep canyon. On the bottom of which the forest seemingly continues uninterrupted except for a big, gray cone-like spire almost sticking out of the top of the crevice.

"There it is. It's bigger than the one I went into before." Nishan says, looking over the edge of the cliff.

"Wait." Ruby says shocked, "That thing right there? That's a wasp nest?"

"Giant jungle wasp, yes." Joyride says with a grin as Ruby stares in awe.

Ruby looks around and says, "I thought they'd be flying all over the place once we got close."

"This time of day most of the workers are probably out gathering pollen and semen." Loupe says looking around, "We may see a scout or two, but until we actually get close to the nest we won't see a big group."

Emerald looks over the side of the cliff and asks how they are going to get down.

"We'll float." Joyride says pointing to her horn, "You'll have to ride in the cart since I can't target you though."

Emerald looks over the side of the cliff.

They are closing in on their destination…


Inventory & Spells –


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