"Um… Chocolate, help me out here, bro." Spring whined, looking over as the earth pony across from him. Chocolate didn't look up.
"I told you not to try and beat her." He sighed, turning a page. "I told you already, she cheats."
"Now now, there. That ain't something a gentlecolt should be saying to a lady." Sweet Deal cooed, distracting Spring with a pretty eye flutter as she snuck another one of his pieces off the board with her magic.
"And a lady shouldn't be cheating so openly." He retorted, placing the piece back in its rightful place. "If you're going to do this, at least be more subtle. This is embarrassing for Spring."
"That's not true…" He grumbled, looking over the chess board. "I just can't imagine such a pretty mare like Sweets to ever do something like cheat."
"And that's why you always lose against her."
Chocolate Cheesecake, Sweet Deal and Tranquil Spring have been best friends with each other since they were foals. Together, they wreaked the town of Ponyville in ways that still remain to their adulthood. But knowing each other so long does come with some drawbacks.
Sweet Deal is a amateur scammer at this point. She can fool most ponies but they quickly see past her sweet and down home look to find her clever if not devious mind. Her easiest score is Spring though he isn't that hard to fool. He gets distracted by any pretty mare (Or feminine looking stallion) so she has made a lot of money off him alone.
Chocolate Cheesecake isn't so easily distracted. Sweets has yet to beat him in anything and he somehow always gets around her tactics. It's because of this that she avoids challenging him to a match, though she admits that she is only good at games because of how amazing Chocolate is at beating her.
Note: I didn't add any chess pieces cause I didn't feel like. Basically, Spring is losing cause he keeps getting distracted by Sweets pretty face and fluttering eyes.