I coloured the Principal of RRReputation to have a human skin tone, because she may not look right as a xeno technicolour human. Here she is, in six different scenarios:
1. (top left) — Principal Cinch in her normal attire.
2. (top middle) — Principal Cinch in 50's clothing, reading a book. Perhaps, it may be related to ancient secrets?
3. (top right) — Principal Cinch as "Midnight Cinch" — together with three Midnight Sparkle fairies (because I associate MS with "fairies", and "Midnight" with the Big Ben). Perhaps they want to use Cinch in their quest for magic — and ice cream!
4. (lower left) — Principal Cinch, as a character in some of my stories who was influenced by her and her star pupil. That character is a history teacher who also works for an international group of monster hunters, and here she is, preparing to fight against three ghosts who possess a hoard of treasure. They also killed a gryphon who tried to take some of their treasure.
5. (lower middle) — Principal Cinch as a Jedi Knight. I know that she's evil, but the character that I created from her also influenced that idea, and because Star Wars is amusing. Perhaps that is the best-looking of the six Cinches in this drawing — just imagine her telling a corrupted Twili-kin Spark-walker on some lava planet, ' You were the Chosen One, Twili-kin! It was said that you would destroy the Sirens, not join them! '
6. (lower right) — Principal Cinch skating on ice. Maybe that was how she spent her time when Crystal Prep was closed due to heavy snow, but she better not get hit by snowballs from angry students and rivals!