Now back on track, while I really like the designs for the Changelings from the S6 finale (especially that hornless one with the pink jewels, she's adorable), they're never going to be in the Wheelverse. Why? Well, I've had their transformation and subsequent appearance down for years, and I'm not about to change them now! Literally, the arc involving the Chanelins was, in fact, the first ever concept for the Wheelverse, and spawned… well, everything. The difference between the Changelings between the story planned here and the ones in something planned for the Propheverse are really what split the universes up to begin with. Wheel!Chrysalis is the sole ruler of the Changelings, is a Fallen Aspect, and her Hive of sapient-but-subservient 'Lings is the only Hive, whereas in the Propheverse she's only one of many Queens.
After Chrysalis is brought back to her true self, her Changelings begin to transform as well. It happens slowly. They lose the holes and change colours instantly, but over time, some lose their wings, some lose their horns, and some lose both, and not many of them are left with both. Most of them have their fangs shrink or disappear altogether, too. Their 'manes' and tails grow out. Their colours generally follow: dull/desaturated body, pale mane/tail, brighter and gradiented carapace, and fully-saturated pupils on black sclera. The above designs are just examples, really, rather than any particular characters.
In fact, the Changelings struggle with being characters. Chrysalis kept all of the Changelings linked together in the Hivesong, which is like… I don't know if any of you have read the Chaos Walking trilogy, but it's like the Noise from the Spackle perspective, only it doesn't spread to other species. They really struggle to make themselves true individuals and they don't have names. Anyway, when Chrysalis is reformed, she makes the decision to cut off the Hivesong so that the Changelings can develop themselves or something.
There is one Changeling with a name, though, and she'll probably be the next piece I put out.