Maid: O-oh, dear! P-Princess?! N-no, never, your highness.
Princess Cadence: Now now, you don't have to fall all over yourself. Just tell me what is the matter.
Maid: …It's the young princess, your highness.
Princess Cadence: Flurry?
Maid: No… No, the other one…
Princess Cadence: Oh, Skyla! What's the problem?
Maid: Her pet… It's always making a mess where ever it goes and it takes hours to get the smells out of the furniture. Not to mention… (Starts to rant and list complaints)
Princess: I see. (thinking) I guess I'll have to do something about Sir Oinks-a-lot.
Princess Skyla is a strange mare in many different ways. Despite being very loving toward her adoptive parents she is fairly cold toward everyone else. That is, save for her pet pig, Sir Oinks-a-lot. According to her, the pig has been by her side for years and has kept her company when things were bad for her. The haughty pig is the only creature Skyla talks to on a regular basis and can be seen roaming the Crystal Castle like royalty, munching on curtains and chasing cooks who are in possessing of carrots. Skyla spoils the pig rotten and while Cadence loves to see her new daughter smiling more, the pig is causing a lot of trouble for the castle staff.
Skyla and Sir Oinks-a-lot always sleep together. For reasons that Skyla refuses to talk about, she must have the pig beside her or else she can't sleep. Or, she does but has horrid Nightmares. Princess Luna even came by the Crystal Empire to tell Cadence to talk to her daughter about said nightmares. She wouldn't say what the fill dreamed of (its against her rules) but the concern in her eyes gave Cadence good reason to worry. As such, Skyla is always allowed to keep her pet pig beside her as she sleeps, even if the smell remains trapped in whatever furniture they happen to snooze on.