
Name: Turquoise Edge
Nickname(s): Turq, General Grump, Grumpo, Brimstone Forrest (alter ego), Tyrant (by Hawk), Ducky (DON'T CALL HER THAT OR SHE WILL END YOU)
Age: 18
Birthday: November 11
Parents: Limestone Pie and Zephyr Breeze
Siblings: Hawk Eye (older brother), Fire Opal (younger adopted sister)
Personality/Bio: Turquoise Edge is a lot like her mother in many ways. She goes through life with a no-nonsense attitude and can be quite aggressive most of the time. She can also make even the toughest stallion cry like a little colt (especially her brother). It's these traits that have helped Turq do so well in her training for the royal guard. While many would crack under the pressure of intense drills and soul-crushing discipline, it's where Turq feels most at home. Turq's attitude combined with her leadership skills have also earned her the title of heir to the Pie family rock farm. Limestone is proud of her daughter and knows she can rest easy knowing that her farm is is good hooves. However, under all that attitude and aggressiveness, Turq is a huge fangirl. She is secretly a big fan of Mistress Melodious and her music, and she goes to all of her concerts in disguise as a pony named Brimstone Forrest. She also loves babies when they're in that newborn stage before they start walking and being annoying. Most ponies don't know about Turquoise's softer side, and she will do anything to keep it that way. A mare's got a reputation to uphold!
Turquoise has both of her parents wrapped around her hoof. As the precious youngest child and heir to the family rock farm, she is kind of favored by her parents (especially Limestone) and loves to use this to make her brother jealous. Turq is closer to Limestone since they are obsessed with the rock farm (she really looks up to her), but she does love Zephyr too.
Turquoise and Hawk Eye have a very rocky relationship. Turquoise's aggressiveness combined with Hawk's annoying bravado make for plenty of sibling arguments that usually end with Hawk in tears. Of course, Turquoise usually starts these fights. While they are usually in some sort of fight, the two siblings do love each other deep down and would never let each other get seriously harmed.
While Turquoise has an attitude around most ponies, she wouldn't dare yell at Aunt Maud. While Maud seems stoic and apathetic, she has a fire in her eyes that could send Turq running like a scared little filly. Since Maud also knows everything there is to know about her family, Turquoise knows that her punishments would be worse than being crushed by Holder's Boulder. Therefore, Turquoise doesn't dare to test Maud's patience.
Turquoise and her cousins don't get along for the most part. Confetti and Turq have a are always clashing over something and making snarky comments at each other. Cheesy and Creamy are terrified of Turquoise since she often acts as a drill sergeant with little consideration of their feelings. Turq also clashes hard with Bedlam, to the point that they refuse to acknowledge each other outside of family reunions. Turq does get along with Moonstone. Moonstone often takes a neutral stance in conflicts so that makes her able to help Hawk and Turq resolve their arguments. Since she's also a great secret keeper, Turq and the rest of the Pie cousins can share their deepest, darkest secrets with her and she will help them out. This is exactly what she does as she helps Turq get into her disguise before going to pop concerts. While Turq hates most kids, she has a soft spot for Beryl. She shows it by not yelling at him as often, but sometimes she just wants to cuddle him. Beryl isn't scared of her, so sometimes he will come out of nowhere and do the cuddling for both of them.
Of the Mane 6 kids (other than her cousins), Turq is most acquainted with Galaxy Guard. They see each other at military training, but they don't really get along so they don't talk unless they have to. :/
Hawk Eye is currently crushing really hard on Ambrosia, a changeling prince from another universe. Turq, on the other hoof, hates that bug's guts and would do almost anything to get him out of her brother's life. Unfortunately for her, Ambrosia is her future brother in law…
Turquoise has a deep, dark secret: she is secretly a huge fan of Mistress Melodious (Pristine Melody) and her music. While she pretends to hate her guts while at family reunions, Turq will go to all of her concerts in disguise as a pony named Brimstone Forrest. She is also the president of the Mistress Melodious fan club and she has a secret shrine dedicated to her senpai :3 For now, Mel has no idea about any of this, but eventually she'll find out and a romance will blossom from it
Special Talent/Cutie Mark:
Turquoise got her cutie mark at a very young age, on the first day of junior boot camp when she took charge and dominated despite being a little kid at the time. The two crossed spears represent her expertise in military and combat, while the turquoise stone spear-heads show her strong ties to the rock farm and her family name. The fact that she has combat weapons on her flank also shows that she is tough and not afraid to fight for what she believes in.


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