
(Note… This was suppose to be an animated gif, but my iPad fucked up the file…. I'll have to repost it later when I am on a REAL COMPUTER #fuckapple)

SweetWater has good tastes, I should know ;P

If any of you are familiar with my art streams (Which I wouldn't imagine too many people would) then you would know that I love to jam out to my iTunes library on random, a little thing I love to call "Music Roulette" mainly because you'd be constantly jumping around from Coldplay to Slipknot, AC/DC to CCR… Just madness!

But it's all good, I love almost everything on my libary with the acception of the occasional song where I go "…The hell?" :P Figured it would be appropriate to have this made for those streams.

Special thanks to Nauth who did a fantastic job, and delivered this gem to me quicker than I would have expected! You rock!

Insert catch phrase here


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