I know you probably get a lot of Moonstuck asks, even after all this time, but I've binge-read it for, like the 5th time (I think), and I really want to ask you something (that I would love to be answered with a drawing but I'll be happy with just an answer). Did Woona ever go back to the moon with Celestia and introduce her sister to all her friends and their respective groups? They never really got to officially meet her, after all.
(I hope it’s okay that I’m answering this publicly, since I did a drawing for it!! if not let me know and I’ll take it down :x)
you bet she did! in the Moonstuck AU they made plenty of visits back-and-forth, and Celestia eventually met everyone who helped out her sister. she gets to know the bats best though, since they’re Woona’s best friends (and captains of the Awesome Ultra Hyper Force Night Guards). :D
somewhere I drew she and Echo high-fiving (high-hoofing?), not sure where it is though…