
Name: Peanut or Nutty

Species: Earth Pony

Parents: Big Mac x Caramel

Siblings: /

Birthplace: Sweet Apple Acres

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Cutie Mark: Peanut

Reputation: Laughable, incredibly strong, a bit weird

Best traits: Funny, loyal, strong personality and body, helpful

Worst traits: tends to act a little bit weird around people, snappy

Facts about her:
-loves working on the farm and has (of course) a special place in her heart for peanuts
-her dads did a magnificent job raising her!
-when she was 10 she fought with a timberwolf and won…the wolf ran off the farm and never came back
-nobody dared to bully Peanut in front of her, but behind her back they were always talking
-Peanut may seem pretty snappy often but she's actually really nice and a good friend once you get to know her


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