Sweetie eluctantly opened the door and slowly entered the room. Spike, who now grew into a huge wingless dragon, awkwardly followed his wife. Cheerilee was filling some papers at the table. She was noticeably tense. Finally, pony stopped doing it and got up from the table and walked to the couple.
- So, are you aware about the whole situation with your daughter? — she started calmly. Spike and Sweetie exchanged concerned looks.
- Not exactly, — white unicorn said, — Emie doesn't want to tell us anything and we aren't sure we can trust other ponies on this subject.
Cheerilee sighed. If she could she wouldn't have this talk at all, but it was her duty as a good teacher and as someone who really cared about all her pupils.
- Something unpleasant happened between her and other foals today. I think that some foals started to bully her and in anger she badly injured one of her classmates. She burnt her side.
Couple stared at ech other in shock. They didn't know what to say. How could their dear belowed daughter do such a thing? Sweetie shook her head, refusing to believe this.
- No, it just can't be. There must be something… I'm sure that…
- I don't understand, — Spike said quietly, — Our daughter have always had a fiery temper, but I have never thought that something like that could ever happen. I… I din't even know she was able to breath fire like me…
- I understand your feelings and I know how hard it is to hear something like that, — Cheerilee sighed, — But we need to do something about it. Emerald was always… different. But I don't think she ever meant it all to happen. Sometimes Emerald isn't capable on holding her emotions back. She looses track of her actions sometimes and there's no need to explain how bad it is for her and for ponies around her. I hope you understand that.
She looked at them seriously.
- I believe that my daughter would never do something like that on purpose, — Sweetie Belle said confidently, — What if other kids bullied her because she's a hybrid? My poor baby didn't deserve to be treated such way!
- Dear, I understand that you want to protect Emie, and I would say a couple of words to her bullies myself — Spike said softly to his wife, — But we can't deny that she did something terrible and it might as well be our fault.
- Sweetie Belle, — Cheerilee intervened, — Please, listen. I understand your feelings, but you need to understand. I'm here not to judge your daughter. I'm only trying to help you and make the rightest decision. Emerald needs some professional help from psychologist. But also, as a headmaster, I can't let something like this happen again. I'm sorry to say that, but I need to expel Emerald from our school.
- What?! You are not serious, are you? — Sweetie Belle said in disbelief.
- Dear, I can't say I'm happy about this too, but maybe that would be the best for our daughter.
- But that means she will be isolated from other kids! How can this be good? She needs to socialize with others! She needs friends!
- You are right, but I don't think that after what happened her classmates are willing to be friends with her. If anything, she will feel isolated with them treating her this way. I believe that our girl will find some new friends even outside of school. And who said she doesn't have any? She has Cheshire and Lucky Day and Peachy Pie… I could go on and on. - Perhaps you are right… But I'm still worried. What are we gonna do about it all? What are we going to say to that filly's parents? How will we look into their eyes?
- It'll all be alright, we'll figure it out, you'll see, — Spike said, landing his head on his wife's, — It'll be alright.