by monochromepony625
Pin Cushion is not always lazing around. He has to get alcohol and rent money from somewhere, and that somewhere happens to be the more shady nightclubs.
He is good at one thing: suffering. Terrible physical damage he can endure without much trouble. A broken leg can heal in a week. Physical pain is almost enjoyable for him, for he was born a natural masochist.
How he found his special way to earn money was quite accidental. When he just got to live on his own, naturally he couldn't be bothered to handle money well, and one night he couldn't pay for the drinks. A fight ensued which ended with him being stabbed in the stomach with a broken bottle. He simply pulled out the bottle and started dancing, the alcohol on the bottle being directly sent to his bloodstream through the wound. This attracted a bit of a crowd, and somepony gave him some bits for his "satisfying" performance.
Then he found that some ponies like to see others being hurt. Kind of a visual sadist. So he found that he could earn lots of money by performing serious, artistic acts of self-harm, and that's how he started his masochistic performances at the secret nightclubs.
Every weekend he goes to the club and performs. This time, he is performing the "Suicide Hanging" act, by standing on a chair and piercing three hooks through the back skin on his neck, then kick away the chair and let the hooks suspend his body. For realism, he also wears a noose, just tight enough to look like he's handing from it. It's a painful job but the pay is good, and he could get extra tips from the audience patrons throwing money at the stage during performance.
To get off, he has to take the help of an assistant to set the stool back again, then he would stand on it and take off the noose, then remove the hooks. Sometimes he worries that the assistant would play a cruel prank let him hang there all night… But he's confident he could just remove the noose, then rip off the hooks from his back of the neck… It would definitely cause the neck skin to tear up, but it might earn him more sensationalistic tips from the audience.
Once, the performance failed. The hooks tore through the skin and he was actually hanging by the noose. The assistant took him down immediately. The audience loved it anyway and gave him generous tips that day.
Once in a while he cuts off the excess skin that gets stretched out due to the hanging act. Thanks to his regrowth ability, he soon enough gets new and tight skin growing in the same place.
A commission for :iconkopaleo:. She also wrote the short story above to go with it.
I really enjoyed making this. It has been a while since I've done anything with markers.
I didn't really keep track of the time but I'm estimating this took me around four to five hours. Wowzers.
Pin Cushion, the OC above, belongs to me.