
"One day (it was a long time ago) a thought popped up in my head: you must draw Chryssie and AJ together in a tram (or a cart, not sure how it's in English). And here it is :) I finally did it! Yay! (Text was written ten minutes ago)

To be honest (argh, that word again :)), Applejack was THE reason I started to watch MLP. I'm not sure that I wrote it publicly yet. I long to see "a southern girl" character, who wasn't in the show just for the sake of jokes. I'm sucker not only for villainesses Wink/Razz And AJ fits it perfectly!

But after Canterlot wedding… ah, you know the rest.

And I was listening to this country band while drew this pic… (if you into this kind of music) :)

And yeah, Chryssie has wings, but inertia won't allow her to use it. And AJ's hat. How does it exactly hold? Hmm… hmm… argh! :D Well, I'm newbie writer too, what did you expect? Shrug I'm working on it.

Queen Chrysalis, Applejack and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belong to Hasbro."


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