Darkhide shivers in delight, to him, It's music to his ears, and food for his needs… "That… was so sensational! Simply the best I ever heard… no- FELT in YEARS Ha Ha Ha HA…" Raven could do nothing more than to stare blankly at the badly burned bodies …defeated… "…and I have you to thank. You, fighting so HARD to protect them… you gave them hope, but all you simply did was prolonged their death… it was like… like… drinking fine aged wine… Ha Ha… what's wrong? Did you honestly think YOU, could protect them… from ME!? Ha ha… WH…WHAT A JOKE!!!"
As Darkhide turned to walk away feeling very satisfied, he turned his head and said to Raven: "I decided to let you live… your special… You make the victims… even more worth it…"But for some reason Raven didn't hear him, instead… He heard something else… Voices… Voices of the survivors…
…please don't cry…
…Don't give up…
…You can do it…
…Don't worry about us…
…You tried to help us, now, we will help you…
…We will give you our strength, stop him Raven…
Suddenly… The voices he heard where gone and the only thing that could be heard was Darkhide talking….Raven started to quiver, the empty feeling in his body started to change rapidly, with tears in his eyes and anger boiling in his heart, he muttered: "…shut… up… JUST SHUT UP!!!" Suddenly the anger in his heart exploded violently, like the universe was on fire. The very ground on which they walked started to rumble, sharing his rage, the sky turn cloudy and dark, and the lightning crackled in furious anger…
Raven slowly turned to Darkhide with only a few chosen words: "I'll… kill you…" Darkhide stopped and chuckled: "Heh heh, What was that? …I didn't hear you?" But suddenly his laughter stopped as he felt Raven's rage hit passed his breaking point. Raven roared, and made sure he was heard! "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU HEAR ME!!! YOU. ARE. DEAD!!!!" …and for a brief moment… Darkhide… felt fear… …It was later after the defeat of Darkhide, Raven spun the whole day digging graves for the six Victims. Each one, he carefully laid them to rest, thanking them for their strength individually. Upon returning home to Ponyville, Twilight and her friends noticed the look on his face… They wanted to ask what happened… But seeing the look on his face… They held him… hoping that some of the pain in his heart will wash away…
Originally, I started to draw just to vent… But it turned in to something so much more…