My headcannon is that Discord, being the last of his species after his parents pass away, is adopted into the royal family as Celestia and Luna's brother. However, the pain of being the last draconequus and from being made fun of for being a "monster" drives the powerful creature to madness and enslaves Equestria…well, you know the rest. This is just some filly/young Dizzy practice. Its not the best, but hey, what's practice for? And I don't, won't, and will never jump on the Dislestia or Fluttercord ship. Or any Discord pairing ship. I just won't. And I know Luna's horseshoes are the wrong color. I was so tired I completely picked up the wrong pencil. Keep an eye out for my Discord-Celestia fanfic coming soon! Discord, Celestia, Luna © Lauren Faust, Hasbro
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