Name: Vladimir Nachts Talent: Unknown Age: Unknown Hobbies: Gambling, flirting, fighting, drinking, grooming his sideburns and eyebrows Dislikes: Being called a vampire, the military, pickles, an empty hair gel bottle, people making fun of his sideburns and eyebrows
He is a rather tall, muscular batpony named Vladimir Nachts. He is mysterious and a bit of a charmer who even talks with a slight German accent. No one really knows his origin. Vlad came into town one mysterious night and settled down. He can usually be spotted at the pub having a drink or breaking into a brawl. His courage and strength is wanted by the military but he refuses to join. They even offered him rewards and riches, even a high rank title as Captain, but he turned them down. No one really knows why Vlad is the way he is. The only real thing ponies know is he is a flirt. It is said though he has the most charming singing voice that can put any one under his spell although he wont admit he sings. He may be a batpony, but he actually enjoys day over night. Vlad however loves to gamble for he hates losing. He got chased one night by the cops when he was caught cheating at a poker game. Because of his appearance and accent, people believe he is a vampire who for some reason can survive in the sun. He personally hates to be called a vampire and treated like one, heck he even got stabbed in the butt one day with a wooden stake but that’s another story. He may despise being called a vampire but he sometimes uses pony’s fear of him to get a good laugh and will put strawberry jam at the sides of his mouth to scare ponies.