Dahlia was the last born of the triplets, and definitely the smallest. She was really weak and had to be under very close and delicate care for several weeks postpartum. Despite the close care, it wasn't for a few months that Fluttershy and Tree Hugger discovered their daughter was born deaf. There were no signs of trauma and after so many doctors visits, they found there was no repairing her hearing. Her sisters have always been extremely close and considerate of Dahlia's disability and their whole family learned sign language together.
Dahlia takes after Fluttershy the most of her parents, and even gained the nickname of "Mini Flutts" or just "Mini". Her inabilities to hear have given her a built in reason to be quiet and stay out of the way, though her sisters encourage her to participate as much as possible.
Fun facts:For a long while, and even times where she knows she's going to be need to communicate a lot, Dahlia carries a sketch book to write in or express ideas. Because of this, she's actually a fairly good artist. Dahlia's talent comes from working with flowers to make hair pins, flower crowns, or even just floral arrangements. While she prefers to stay out of fights, there are a few things that Dahlia will always fight strongly about, especially with her sisters, and will sign about furiously. Dahlia, while the smallest, has the biggest wings in her family, and is oddly the strongest flier, thought she prefers to remain grounded.