At his shop, Hypno Swirl greeted his guest and began to show off the new googles. He started of showing of it’s lighter design and increased battery life, and boosted at it’s improved ability to suppressing the wearing own will and stimulating the pleasure centers of the wearer’s brain. It was during this time, Rubber Heart eagerness to play with it grew. During Hypno Swirl’s boosting, Rubber Heart swapped the control unit with slave googles.
Hypno Swirl put on his goggles and realized the swapped occurred the moment his body bowed to his guest. Rubber Heart giggled and grin from how quickly it took affect, his desired for submission and obedience transmitting to Hypno Swirl’s consciousness. With a hoof raised, the thought of licking it filled Hypno Swirl’s brain. He tried fighting the thought, but his body was compelled to carry out the action. As his tongue ran up the black rubber, he felt the reward the googles were designed to provide: compliance brings pleasure. A euphoric tingle ran across his body as pleasured filled his mind, just as he designed.