
"Page #03 of Memories is now Live! Currently the 3rd page of the Memories comic strip, currently think the 4th will be the final page to wrap everything up! This one actually was completed much faster then I was expect. When I was making Page 2 I definitely felt I could do just a liiiiittle bit more to make it even better, and so far it looks like I found a way to pull it off. I felt a conclusion in other words could be made because I definitely couldn't leave it in the state I had on Page 2, oh no siry! This page wasn't requested like Page 2 was, it was more of something I came up with and wanted to do while working on Page 2.

Well, I hope those who stumble across this enjoy Page 3 of the Memories strips, was a lot of fun to make and I look forward to getting the 4th and probably final page done asap to post up as well!

Page 1
Page 2 (textless)
>> Page 3 ( Textless )
Page 4 ( Textless )

Well, till next time! Cya later!
~Kitt Stargazer"


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