(Meanwhile at the rock farm) ZB: "Hey Limey-I mean Limestone, what's up with your sister over there?" LP: "Maud? She's fine! My family is none of your business!" ZB: "I dunno, I'm sensing some pretty strong gay vibes coming from her." LP: "Gay vibes?! My sister is straight! They all are! We weren't raised to fool around like that!" ZB: "Ehh…I wouldn't be so sure…" LP: facehoofs "Ugh, whatever, just get back to work or I'm cutting your pay!"
(Later, Trixie arrives at the rock farm) TL: "The GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE has arrived to collect her well-deserved paycheck!" MP: "Trixie. It's nice to see you." TL: "Hello little pony. Have you come to bask in THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE'S radiance?" MP: "Yes. I missed you." quickly hugs Trixie TL: "Huh?? You missed ME-I mean Trixie?" MP: "…Yes. Do you remember when you worked here?" TL: flashbacks "Ugh, Trixie would LOVE to forget that torture!" MP: looks down in a subtle state of sadness "Okay. I'll get your paycheck." turns to walk away TL: "N-no, wait! Trixie was wrong! You weren't torture! The work was!" MP: turns around TL: "You were the best part of that horrid experience, you hear me? You saved Trixie from agony!" MP: "Really?" TL: "Yes!!" MP: "Trixie, I-" TL: "You rocked my world!" grabs Maud and pulls her into a kiss MP: is slightly shocked but soon sinks into the kiss LP: "MAUD! WHAT THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING?" MP: pulls away from the kiss "Limestone…" TL: "I can explain!" LP: "That's enough explanation! Maud, you were raised better than this!" MP: "I…" LP: "MA! PA! GET OUT HERE!" MP: (under her breath) "No…" CQ: "Maudeline Boulder Pie! What hath thou done?" IR: "Thou hath committed an unspeakable crime against the goodness of ponykind!" LP: "You hear that Maud? Look how disappointed they are! You should be sorry!" MP: "…" CQ: "Such horrid actions bring dishonor and shame upon our family…" IR: "Thou hath disgraced us all! Wash thy hooves of this mare or remove thyself!" LP: "Well Maud? What's it gonna be?" MP: "…I can't. LP: "You can't what?" MP: "I can't hide who I am. I can't forget about Trixie." LP: "Then LEAVE." MP: hesitates LP: "NOW. And don't even bother getting your stuff, you're done here!" MP: turns and starts walking off the rock farm TL: chases after her "Wait! Maud! You don't have to do this!" MP: "Yes I do. They don't want me here." TL: "B-but you can just forget about me! This is your family!" MP: "Not anymore. Anypony who disobeys the rules is no Pie." TL: "Maud…"
(Later back at the rock farm) ZB: "Told ya she was gay." LP: "Shut up or you'll be going with her!" ZB: "Y-yes ma'am!"