Based on pic "Safe with You"… which she generously allowed to me to take a shot at myself.They had been here again. It didn't take Applejack long to figure that out. The first hint came as soon as she knocked. Rather than Rarity's theatrical "darling!" or Sweetie's ecstatic little bounces, she was greeted with John's gruff silence at the door. The two shared a look that, even through the visor, said volumes. The next hint was the living room. The normally spotless interior was in shambles, with tables flipped over, cushions flung everywhere, and shards of vases and lamps shattered on the floor. Someone was stomping around upstairs. At least they were still here, Applejack thought, relieved. Rarity had once dragged Sweetie down to the train station, yelling something about the Crystal Empire. That wasn't a fun day."Sugarcube?" Applejack yelled out, hoping at least one of them would respond. She called out again, and Sweetie peeked around the kitchen doorway, before she spotted the farmpony. She ran over and flung herself in her arms, sobbing and sniffling on her shoulder. She hoisted the filly up, patting her on the back with a quiet "S'alright, honey, s'alright…"There was a stomping on the stairs, and Rarity came around the corner. Applejack could see the fury boiling inside her, the normally prim and proper mare turned timebomb. She tried to put on a happy face as she saw her guest, but it was no use. "Applejack! Forgive the state of the place, I just had a little, um, never mind that. It's just""Pearl came by, right?"The mask melted away, and the rage returned. "Of all the selfish, boneheaded, inconsiderate things those… those ANIMALS could do! Do you know how they paid for their safari in the Zebra Emirate? Do you!? The audacity of those-!"Applejack looked at John, and he shook his head, still eerily silent. She had almost forgotten he was here. She raised her hand, putting a finger to Rarity's mouth. "Come on, let's go fer a li'l walk. Ya can tell me all about it on the way." Rarity sighed, looking a bit deflated, but puffed up again as they headed out the door. Applejack set Sweetie back down, and John reached down for her, slouching a little so she could take his massive hand. The group headed out the door and followed Applejack.Rarity had ranted the entire way, recounting the atrocity's her parents had commited against her, focusing especially on their most recent crime. Applejack listened in silence, nodding occasionally but couldn't hope to get a word in edgewise. Not that it would do any good, she had learned. Sweetie had started lagging about halfway through the trip, and John had scooped her up, holding her as though she weighed nothing.They stopped somewhere on the edge of town, not far from the path to Fluttershy's cottage. There was a large oak tree on a hill, and they trotted up to it's shade, settling in underneath it. Rarity's anger had finally exhausted itself, and she settled in to Applejack's arms. The tender warmth was a rare sensation for her, and was intoxicating even in the summer heat. Applejack pulled her closer, and Rarity nestled into her neck, still breathing heavily but that was starting to calm down. John sat down with a loud clank, his own charge curled in his arm, fast asleep. Applejack chuckled softly and stuck her hat on the filly's head. She could have sworn she saw John smiling through his helmet. She wasn't sure how long they sat there, watching Celestia pass the sky to Luna. The world began to calm, as had the two sisters. Applejack sighed. The day might have been hell for them, but the night might be kinder.
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