Soarin: Dash? Looking around Dashie, are you here?
RD: Hey Clipper!
Soarin: Laughs I thought you only called me that way during practice
RD: Haha yeah, sorry about that
Soarin: Talking about practice, I didn't see you there today… Something happend?
RD: Oh nothing!I just went to the hospital for a checkup, I told Spitfire so don't worry about that.
Soarin: To the hospital? Are you okay?
RD: Of course! I just went to see that everything is in order for the baby, the doctor says he does not see anything bad, I just have to lower my levels of stress and exercise
Soarin: Ummm yeah… About that…
RD: Yes?
Soarin: Are you sure you want to try again?
RD: Stands in front of him What you you mean?
Soarin: Just asking Dashie, I mean that… Maybe things happens for some reason, and maybe it would be good to just… Stop trying
Soarin: Sorry Dashie… I know you want this baby as much as I do… but…
Soarin: I… sighs I don't want to see you suffer like this…Not again…
RD: …
Soarin: Dash … I think it would be best to leave this idea definitely. This is only destroying you more and more…
RD: How can you say that?" How do you surrender to these adversities?
Soarin: I just don't want to see you suffer anymore. It hurts me… but it is slowly consuming you. Tears you completely.
RD: I do not want to give up. I can not give up now!!! I'm still young, I can still resist!!
Soarin: There are already 2 miscarriages, honey. I don't think either of us will support a third. I know the illusion that gives you having someone of your own blood … but, there are other ways…
RD: Other options? Which other options?!?!
Soarin: Adoption maybe?
RD: What? An adoption? I do not want that Soarin!
Soarin: It's safer in our case, safer for you…
RD: I want a baby… Our baby…
Soarin: I know, I want it to, but you…
RD: Do you think I can't do it? We are Wonderbolts!! We never surrender until we give all of us!
Soarin: Sometimes there are times where there is no other choice. I don't want to endanger my wife again, I don't want to see your eyes loosing that shine before bad news … I don't want to … see you cry like that…
RD: Criying this is very unfair!
Soarin: Hugs her with his wings I know… I know is unfair…
RD: I… Want to try this again… It will be the last time… I — I promise… Just… Just… Another chance…
Soarin: ………
RD: I promise that if we don't do it, I'll drop the subject … and I'll consider adoption…but just give me one more chance!!
Soarin: Ok… ok Hugs her tight Let's try again… But just one more time…
RD: sobs Ok… hugs him… I'm sorry about all of this…
Soarin: I don't need an apology, I just want to see my wife happy and fine…
RD: … I will
At least, this little story have a happy ending, when they tried again, Soarin were the most careful and responsible about the care that Rainbow Dash should have during pregnancy, while she was as relaxed as possible so as not to affect the baby at all. Although she had a hard time staying in one place for so long. But thanks to her friends they made the wait a little more enjoyable (Twilight brought her hundreds of books on maternity and pregnancy that kept her entertained, Fluttershy used to accompany her in long chats and small "tea parties", Rarity used to help with baby room decor, Applejack took her the best and choicest apples from the barn, and Pinkie Pie (Who visited her almost daily)always tried to keep her spirit up) Even the Wonderbolts team used to visit her from time to time. And Rainbow's parents, as always supporting as much as they could. Just like Scootaloo. When it was finally the day that Rainbow Dash gave birth it was great news for everyone know that at last a small, healthy colt had been born.