Celestia: Oh? Then let me start and you can finish, okay?
Sirius: [Nods]
Celestia: Alright. 'I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always-
Sirius: 'My babi-
Celestia: Baby.
Sirius: 'My BABY you'll be?' [Looks up at Celestia expectantly]
Celestia: That's right, my little star. Good job.
Theres this childrens book I used to read back when I was a kid that stuck with me despite me not recalling the title. IT was one of my favorite books growing up and I decided to bring it here cause… why not.
While Celestia adored her son, she rarely got to spend time with him since she had to work all day. She did, however, tuck him in and read him bedtime stories everynight. Most nights, the foal would try to read by himself despite barely know how to do so yet. But Sirius was always a smart wittle star, so he was quick to learn.