At the end of the Sophony racial war, Winnipeg appeared in the winter, where the ponies thawed the blood. This abundant questland continent was covered in snowstorms and went crazy. Just like their old home. The ponies were terrified that they knew that windigo had crossed the sea and chased them. And more and more blood was shed in order to occupy the place of the ever — narrowing life. Although it is not true. Eventually windigo freezes the land of the last battle, and the ponies who died in the last battle are forced to wait in a small cave beneath the cantlot to die. They just realized it. It's not that windigo chased them, but rather that they created windigoes. From that time on, Windigo became a symbol of death. But Windy, it's not just that death is unconditionally unconditional. If it was not for the windiog's, the ponies would never have reconciled and there would not have been a chance to build Equestria.