Also. Tsp. Joey. Don't get angry. I want to draw this comic to parody all happen days ago xD.
And ey. I'm the final everyone know what happen. Tsp vs Downvote in a final battle to death with "Hide" blasters, downvoteknifes.
Zeb, LightningBolt. Sorry if in the next scenes your ocs will die. At least lighty will fight ultra epic, and zeb… Before die, you will be the most Fabulous zebra :^D
And free feel of dislike. Dislikes are life. Dislikes are love. Tomorrow the next three scenes. Don't forget to suscribe to the worst comic in the booru :^D
And creator of downvote that I don't remmember your name. Sorry. I attend to imite your style and I draw like shit. Please. Hate me. ;^>