Aaaaaaand I've finally come to post this.It is a (very late q.q) wedding gift for and . Hope ya like it :3I'm aware of the fact that there are many mistakes in it, but without mistakes there'd be nothing to improve With the designs of the wedding dresses I sticked to designs I've seen in Rat's drawings 'cuz I'm not good at designin' dresses and stuff D: And I kinda like the designs :3I tried to make the background look like those stones they use in many churches, as well as the window.It has a meaning, that I chose Luna to hold the ceremony instead of Celestia… If you know, what kind of art Rat does aside from the stuff here on dA, you may get the connection YOU MAY NOT USE THIS! It is a gift for Rat and thus only he is allowed to post it on other pages than dA.All characters in this drawing © Hasbro. Original character designs © Lauren Faust.Art © me.
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