
Original description:

I hate pain. This world is full of it. And the more sensitive you are the more it hurts. That's kinda what Fluttershy is about — being kind attracts many jerks so she's often hurt and so she's afraid of everything. At least it was supposed to be so when the show was deeper.

So (apart from such dark themes) I try to make art that eases the pain. For everyone else who knows what it feels like. For those who can feel. For you, since you're here. Cause… it's a bit warmer to be understood and know you're not alone suffering. Right? Sounds strange, I know. ;

"There's been trials and tribulations,
You know, I've had my share…

…But I've climbed a mountain,
I've crossed a river
And I'm almost there!
I'm almost there!
I'm almost there!" © Princess and the Frog :nod:Singing

87. Food. <<<Navigation>>> 89. Through the Fire.


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